Thursday, August 2, 2007


No word yet on why Rhianna is on crutches. The curly weave is a good look on her. I guess she had to switch it up since other artists started jacking the look!


collardgreens said...

Since Beyonce's popularity went up over 800 percent because of the fall she suffered while on stage, the new trend is for these pop music entertainers to be hurt. And No, that curly weave is not a good look for her. She needs to be a real woman and cut it all off and start from scratch with a natural.

mrswatson said...

EWWWWWWWWW! You're on you're own with that one!

collardgreens said...

Even little bow wow throwing it up
rhianna crip walkin like thats whats up
Keisha want me to soeak about the rucker
matter offact I dont want to speak about the rucker.

mrswatson said...

LOL...u must be bored

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO!!! Y'all are crazy... Get this blog on and crackin... Where are y'alls fans??