Saturday, August 4, 2007


Sun-Times report:

Despite canceling their nuptials scheduled to occur earlier this week, the on-again, off-again wedding of Usher and his pregnant fiancee was finally on -- and held quietly Friday, sources told Stella's Column late Friday night.
The multiplatinum singer married his longtime girlfriend, Tameka Foster, who is several years older than he, during a private ceremony in his lawyer's office in Atlanta on Friday, sources said.

Among those present was Usher's mother, Jonetta Patton, who, it has been widely reported, staunchly disapproved of the marriage. Foster was reportedly largely responsible for Usher firing his mom as his manager last May.


collardgreens said...

What an Idiot. Why get married when you know that you wont be faithful. He is not thinking clearly. Why would he marry a woman 8 years older then him when he cheated on his fiance that was 8 years older than him. Also, since he is doing this based on looks, what happens when she gets up there in age and he doesnt want her anymore? Well since this isnt real anyway they will get a divorce. I dont think that these people seriously consider the wedding vows that they take. I think that this is a cover up for political reasons. Did she have to sign a prenuptial agreement? If she did then that means that there is no trust in this relationshipand it is a spur of the moment decision.

collardgreens said...

Older women are mature and they know what they want and I with Usher on that but I don't think that he can faithful considering that group of people that he deals with.