Wednesday, July 25, 2007


The chick is fierce! Had that been me that fell, I would have been laid out on a stretcher, SHOW OVER!!! I admire her commitment to the performance, but please FIRE the costumer ( Mrs. Tina Knowles)...that big, heavy coat alone is an accident waiting to happen.


Anonymous said...

Monkey see monkey do. Being that Beyonce is a trendsetter of popular music culture and akey figure celebrity idolatry, I think that you will see some misguided and desparate individuals that are seeking their own prestige mimick Beyonce's ungraceful fall onstage.

Two Down and one to go. Both Michelle and Beyonce fell so know we are waiting on Kelly. Way to go Kelly! We are waiting for you to fall so destiny's child can be three for three in this cateogory. If you can't sing together than at least fall together. We fall down but we get up right? Also, we need a real fall. Passing out from dehydration does not count.

mrswatson said...

You are late! Kelly fell about two weeks ago in Africa.