Tuesday, July 31, 2007


In the next issue of Glamour magazine, Star Jones admits that she did have gastric or bariatric surgery. She says,"Even though I claimed to be just fine with my weight, I saw how other women [colleagues] were treated like the girlfriend, while I was treated like the good friend, she writes about her first job with NBC News in 1991. "To compensate for my insecurities, I spoke louder and ate more."

Awww, poor baby *major eye roll here*. Who hasn't at some time felt insecure? My beef with her is that she sat up there shouting that she was big and lovin it, and it was OK to be fat and all the while she was plotting to get skinny... Her endeavor to be healthy would have went over better if she didn't constantly deny how she lost the weight...I mean, who loses 100 pounds in 5 months without surgery?

1 comment:

collardgreens said...

That is the same thing with Monique. She talks all this stuff about being and lovely but she married a skinny dude. Eventhough she married him, I think he married her big bank account. I think that most big people do not want to be bog but don't have the will power to change.