Thursday, July 26, 2007


July 25, 2007--I heard this on my local morning radio show and thought it was pretty interesting and PITIFUL at the same time. Apparently, some guy read an article in the newspaper (St.Louis Post-Dispatch) wanting movie extras for the sequel to Into The Blue. Basically he was to give $600 wired to the Movie Commission and fly to Canada for the shooting...Why would they shoot an ocean/beach movie in the cold Canadian water? What's worse is this guy quit his job for this. Of course when he got to Canada, no one was there....For the full article go HERE.

1 comment:

collardgreens said...

Sir, you are not alone. Millions of people get scammed all the time. They listen to the radio and garbage disguised as music and they waste alot of money on it. They even go concerts to hear this garbage only to have to put up with the garbage lipsynching.