Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Only been up and running a few days, but I am curious to know, before I open this blog up to the public, what topics do you find interesting? Are there any puplic figures,events, athletes,actors/actresses,TV shows,games,radio personalities,fashion items,countries, etc. that you would like to see covered here?

Please email your feedback to NERichie@magellanhealth.com


collardgreens said...

I need you to help me find the purpose of life and how to obtain the valley of inner peace with humility, gentleness, and meekness.

mrswatson said...

Good luck with that...this is a blog, Greens...Not the Dalai Lama's house LOL

collardgreens said...

hey shawty what it do? whereda cornbread at? hola back