Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Tameka Foster spoke yesterday..

"No one knows why we canceled the wedding, but I can tell you that all of the reasons that everyone is speculating and writing about are completely untrue," Foster told PEOPLE Monday, but she declined to reveal more about why the nuptials were called off.

Sources tell PEOPLE at issue were family matters (Usher's mother and former manager Jonetta Patton was against the wedding) and disagreements between the would-be-bride and groom over wedding details.

Foster, 37, who is now in Atlanta (as is Usher, 28) does address one rumor that spread on local radio stations and blogs – that following Saturday's canceled ceremony, she checked into a local hospital and went into pre-term labor.

"We had a scare," she says. "But, I am fine and the baby is fine." The couple announced in June that they were expecting their first child together, due this fall.

I refrained from posting on this issue because frankly, I could really give a pig's foot about Usher outside of his music. Musically, I have been anticipating a comeback, but this is not what I expected. The Chilli breakup sparked a great buzz for the Confessions album,but this latest fiasco is basically a curtain call for Usher's career as we know it. What do you think?

1 comment:

collardgreens said...

Hey usher, you betterlisten to your moms on this one. That woman is playing you. I know that you have a prenup but type of marriage lasts with a a prenup? That means there is no trust to begin with. Why do you always mess around with older women when you know that you will not be faithful once they start to age? What is next on your list of stunts?